Thursday, June 26, 2008

Wake up Leader - After 100th days of the Election

It has been more than 100 days after the election. I just curious if the leader know what they suppose to do, what is their job? Till now occasionally I still read from newspaper that some MPs still try to find out why BN lose. why can't they just do what they suppose to do as MP. Rakyat will see your performance.

It has become like a Hong Kong gangster movie now, they are fighting for territory, now they lose so they are planning to get it back. Please do your good job for the next 4 yrs and Rakyat will know what to do. Not everyday talk about why u lose and how to fight back.

Sometime I really dun know what our leader is doing? These few months I only hear they talking about fuel price. After the price hike, now talk about seperate pump again for foreign car? is this fuel issue only thing to do in this country? nothing better to do? Why cannot you put more effort in getting in more investments from foreigner in Msia? how about develop our country transport infrastructure, anti corruption? The policy implement causing price hike in all area, and hurt the retail business. All these without proper plan and I just wonder how can we compete with neighbourhood country. Msia Boleh has become a joke to our neighbourhood country while they see all those ridiculous thing happened around lately.

All leader, please wake up !

Rumors leads to jams at Sabah petrol kiosk

I do not want to elaborate much on this issue, but my friend was one of the members having meeting yesterday. She had informed us to fill up our tanks stating that they have come to an agreement to refuse to sell (I would called this reliable information).

5pm – Ministry in the KPDNHEP issue statement that, 1). This is a rumor, 2). Warn against dealer that stern action will be taken against those who refuse to sell. I would call this is contradiction statement. The question? Why you wanted to warn these dealers if you are so sure this is rumor?

I can only have one assumption. Given the current turmoil boiling inside UMNO (SAPP vote of no confidence), this should not be published in any news. Otherwise, the vote of no confidence from SAPP would turn to vote of no confidence from the citizen.

However, our government should be commended on settling this matter in an overnight time.

Hope that this posting would shed some light to the CB citizen and all citizen.

Mat Rempit dies trying to flee police roadblock

From my previous post:

I noticed that there are people do sympathized with the Mat Rempit. My post is harsh? Read on. This happened 2 years ago, I was a traffic junction near Chow Kit, the pedestrian crossing light was green. A pregnant mother pushing a baby cart crossing the road. A group of Mat Rempit from nowhere charging down the road and collided with the mother and the baby. The mother died on the spot. The baby, probable had died as the baby cart was beyond a cart. Not a single Mat Rempit stop and help. Al I heard was "lari, cepat, lari". Case not published on papers.

A young couple driving in Damansara was chase by a group of Mat Rempit. The young couple’s almost hit my car as they tried to escape. I was shocked to read in the papers the next day that same hit a tree and the couple died. They have tried their best to save themselves but because they are too scare, the driver lost control of the car.

Tell me, are those innocent people deserve to died or the Mat Rempits? Am I wrong calling them murderers? Don’t get me wrong. Mat Rempits are not uneducated people. Some have high ranking job, university’s students, sons of prominent people inclusive of policemen. They are doing it for fun. But during their trills, innocent people got killed. Do you think all shoplifters are poor and can’t afford the item that they shoplifted? Mat Rempits have mental illness and required to be put away. I can’t think of a better term to describe them. All I know is they are murdering the innocent while committing suicide.

ways stop RACISM in Malaysia

1. Leaders!! Introduce cultural and religious subject in secondary school. Students must learn to understand at least a basic culture and religion of all races in Malaysia including small ethnic in Sabah and Sarawak. I am supporting PLKN but how deep the understanding level among races? For example, how many Malay will understand what “feng shui” means to Chinese and how many Chinese will understand that “songkok” is nothing to do with Islam philosophy?

2. Adult generation should stop “condemn/talk behind” (kutuk/cakap belakang) attitude towards other races. Start to teach our children to respect all differences in race and religion including in religious places such as temple, masjid etc.

3. Leaders!! Start the new generation of Malaysian call Bangsa Malaysia. Bangsa Malaysia should over protective of Malaysian not for Malay, Chinese, Indian, Sikh, Mamak, Jawa, Bidayuh, Melanau, Bajau, Kadazan, Iban, Minang, Banjar, Bugis, Caucasian, Mixed and many other ethnicity and community that we bordered ourself.

4. Keep loving your religion and belief but love other races too. Stop any attitude of “kenegerian”. All generations must carry the responsible to respect Bangsa Malaysia. We have to protect Malaysia. (Yes! Still we are racism)

5. Leaders!! Stop political party that based on race. OUR CHILDREN IS LEARNING FROM THERE!!!

6. Get the feeling of Bangsa Malaysia by speaking in Bahasa Malaysia as a medium language in every sectors of social and economy. Next generation should learn other language as a second language such as Mandarin and Indian. Third language should be international language like French, Arabic, etc. Put English as a second language but make it compulsory for Bangsa Malaysia to speak and write well.

I know it is very hard for all of us to stop racism 100% in Malaysia because deep inside everyone of us is a natural attitude tend to be protective for ourself from our brothers, sisters and strangers, protective for our family from the community, protective for our “taman, kampung, daerah” from other “taman, kampung, daerah”, protective for our state from other state (kenegerian). Then another level we tend to protect our race or country. That is why we can see fans are fighting just to support their football team.

I personally more than happy when in 2020 we are becoming the real Bangsa Malaysia rather than advanced country. The question that we really have to ask ourself is how far can we sacrifice our race for Bangsa Malaysia?

Maaf Ya! Bahasa Inggeris saya dalam peringkat permulaan...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Sabah SAPP shock move

It all came as a "shock" for many of us, including myself being a Sabahan. However, SAPP deserved to make a "grudge" though it may seem to be over-the-top and irresponsible, being a BN component member. This is based on unknown scenario to most of Malaysians who are not fully immersed of the Sabah political scenario for the past one decade or so. If we look at the Sabah whereby SAPP, as a prominent Chinese-based party was being intimidated by other BN component members, especially UMNO, LDP and PBS (whom Yong was the former Deputy Party President before quitting and established SAPP). To be frank, SAPP has served the people reasonably well for the past many years under Yong, and thus won quite a great support from the general public especially amongst the Chinese, specifically in Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan and Tawau. Though having a strong grassroot supports at these areas, at least 7 consituencies, SAPP was only given the chance under BN seat-sharing policy in only 2 parliamentary seats. I would say SAPP will have won in all these 7 constituencies even under non-BN ticket, as the majority voters support is for SAPP, rather than BN. So, Yong was throwing his frustration being ignored and overlooked by the Federal leaders, ironically Pak Lah in this case. I should think it was SAPP won 2 seats for BN, rather than what Pak Lah said BN gave SAPP opportunity to contest in 2 seats in the 8 March election. Frankly speaking, if SAPP were to use their own party ticket to contest, BN ticket will be obselete and overlooked by majority voters as the BN chosen candidates are hardly people's choice in these constituencies. It was the choice of a few priviledge people. Hence, Yong's opinion of BN being irrelevant has some amount of truth. The least of truth is BN has became so arrogant (especially the leadership) and forgot that the choice of people shall be uplifted under all circumstances. The SAPP's grudge is only one of many aftermaths due to such arrogance and ignorance. Really speaking, who cares about Anwar and PKR, the locals wanted to be respect as Sabah Statesmen and not subjects and subsets of arrogant rulers who even hardly shown compassions during many struggles the Sabah state has to go through.

Sabah and Sarawak, why?

Talking of Double standard,Why Sabah and Sarawak do This??

Are we not Malaysians,East meet East and West meet East.West Malaysians are not allowed to do business in East Malaysia.At least now they have done away with the passport problem.East Malaysia can give a persona non grata entry to a West Malaysian like I remembered some minister was barred from entering East Malaysia.

Point 6: Immigration

Control over immigration into any part of
Malaysia from outside should rest with the Central Government but entry into North Borneo should also require the approval of the State Government. The Federal Government should not be able to veto the entry of persons into North Borneo for State Government purposes except on strictly security grounds. North Borneo should have unfettered control over the movements of persons other than those in Federal Government employ from other parts of Malaysia into North Borneo……

So now the clause clearly states that approval into North Borneo also require the approval of the state, Government, so why the hue and cry that illegal immigrants to East Malaysia is the Federal Governments problem when the state themselves cannot control this problem..West Malysians cannot do business in East Malaysia but the illegal immigrants can do business so freely.Can a West Malaysian married to a East Malaysian open a business in East Malaysia? East Malaysians coming to work and do Business in West Malaysia have no problems.

So now I do not care for the East Malaysian Politics so long as those who are in power after this should open up between East and West Malaysia, as we are one for us to respect each other equally, irrespect of race and culture.We are Truely Malaysian as depicted by the Tourism Board., talk only but not do truly.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Malaysian . . . ???

I was just really curious as to why people are afraid to stand up sometimes, but now i think i have a clearer picture.

1. Scared to go to jail?
2. What for bring trouble to myself?
3. Dont wan to busy body?
4. Dont waste time no use one

No doubt we fret and grumble, but how many actually put it into action? like one post mentioned earlier....We are the bosses of the government not the other way around....and after reading this blog a lot would say...come lets see you do it then...that is the thing we Asians have, i wish there were more Karpal Singh's. Imagine a court room full of him, i doubt the government would say much more. There really is no glory in Malaysia now is there...sigh....another pointless program organized is the National Service, or the so called National Service. My Singaporean cousins laugh at the sound of it. I mean honestly, what is the National Service for. I asked my friends and all they say....oo i meet new friends. Like i dont meet new friends in College. Do u really think that in times of needs that Malaysia would call upon their National Service trainees who only fired one round of arms to defend our country. Plus not to mention the amount of CASH invested in this pretty much pointless programs. All you can say is, oh i've been thru the national service in malaysia, but when questioned what you do there. I rather not talk about it. Where is Malaysia headed for really...our first angkasawan in doubt i'm proud that malaysia FINALLY got into space but after that what happens, cause i really think that the follow up is also as important as the event itself...a lot of things are done like half way thru and well it was better not done in the first place then....pls do feel free to comment... tell me i'm wrong...disagree watever it is...i love feed backs

Purpose of Inflation

Why there is inflation in this country?
Is this good or bad?

Generally this is good thing. As the economic of the world growing, the price of all goods in the market increase. Therefore, we need inflation in our own country to cope with the increasing price of the goods in the world market.

Every year, Bank Negara aim for inflation of 5%. They control the inflation by changing the interest rate. Our country is doing great every year as the inflation rate always stay around 5%.

CPI (Consumer Price Index) is a measurement of the price good in the local market. CPI will measure the genereal increase or decrease of price of the market. This index will be use as guideline for salary increase so we can buy the same amount of the good as last year

However, our Malaysian boss all - to some extent have no economic knowledge. They do not increase the salary with the CPI. Perhaps, when there is inflation, some boss even cut the salary. It just doesn't make sense.

The petrol price has increase by 40%. Will our inflation rate go up by 40%? The answer is no! There are many goods in the market (eg foods, clothing, entertaiment) This is all part of the calculation of CPI and the inflation rate. The input cost is higher now but it also rely on the price of other input as petrol is not the sole input of all the goods. No doubt, the inflation rate this year will be higher but not 40%.

Asking for payrise do not solve the problem. Giving us more money to spend means further increasing the inflation rate! This is because increase of demand will lead to price increase. This is simple economic. On the other hand, increasing of salary by too much will drive the inflation rate up and up since our disposable income (Y (total income) = C (disposable income) + I (savings and investment) + T(tax)) increase. Our power to buy has increase. This is not the solution. This will cause recession in the future where all the goods are too expensive!

Deflation is a BAD thing. It means our economy is contracting. It also means increase of unemployment! So do you wish to lose your job for a lower price of the good or keep your job and cope with the price increase?

Therefore, the most reasonable solution to cope with inflation is savings! Start saving the money into bank account. Or even invest (eg mutual funds)

STOP Betting!


For those who like betting, do your own calculation here:

I used to bet on 4D or 1+3D. Each draw, I spent RM15.00 -RM20.00.

There are 3 draws per week, 52 weeks per year. So, 3 X 52 = 156 draws per year. Also at least 1 Special Draw per month. Let say, 14 Special Draw per year plus 156 equal to 170 draws per year.

Result: 170 draws X RM18.00 (average) = RM3,060.00 per year. This is almost the reward of 1st prize of RM3,500.00. That means, If I quit betting for one year, I can save RM3,060.00 and also "mean" I already strike 1st prize. And If I quit betting for 10 years, I save RM30,600.00 plus earn bank interest.

How many of us strike 1st prize before? Is it easy? Ask people around us. If it is easy, why people still want to work. Mights well just betting.

Of course, my assumption is based on RM18.00 per draw. Some may bet RM2.00 per draw X 170 draws = RM340.00 per year.

I have seen people bet RM50.00 to RM100.00 per draw.

And, With the RM3,060.00 save per year, I can pump petrol for 1 year (around RM300.00 per month). Also, by saving the RM3,060.00, indirectly I can say that I 'strike' 1st prize every year.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Fuel Price hike - malaysia solution

Don't Treat Us Like MORON

Fuel price hike 41% was announced 7 hours before its implementation. We had no time to adjust ourselves.

Entertainment allowance slashed up to 10% (out of mostly over RM10k) - announced 29 days before implementation. They still have plenty of time to enjoy the over RM10k worth of monthly entertainment!

"Entertainment" allowance of at least RM6k. Wow...

If you think 10% cut from your "entertainment" is harsh enough, think about how many people in Malaysia who live on less than 10% of your monthly "entertainment" allowance. Even if there are 1000 ministers in this country, 10% cut from all your 'enjoyment' allowance is not even enough to help 1% of the poor in the country.

Petrol hike

The recent hike of petrol prices by 78 sen to RM2.70 a litre made Malaysians scream.

Malaysians complain that the price of petrol is ridiculously expensive at
RM2.70 per litre, but they are willing to pay for a mug of coffee (approximately 300ml) at Starbucks at RM8 - that means a litre a coffee is approximately RM26.64.

Comparatively, 300ml of petrol is only 0.81 sen (you do the math).

Coffee beans are relatively cheap as it is produced in 3rd world countries.

What special expertise does it take to "produce" a mug of coffee ? Nothing much.
A RM4.50 per hour waiter (opps...Barista) ? Absolutely not.

No high technology or expertise required, at all, to make a cup of coffee compared to producing petrol - there are high costs for exploration, extraction, research, scientists, chemists, engineers etc etc just to produce the final product.

Why then are Malaysians still willing to pay so much for a mug of coffee when its is so cheap to produce compared to petrol ?

The worst part is that most Malaysians don't even know what they are drinking.

Please post your comments.