Friday, October 31, 2008

Malaysia - Will reducing wealth gap alone narrow the race gap?

Eradicate poverty regardless of race

Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was reported as saying that all races living in this country will refer to themselves as Malaysians once the economic gap between them is reduced.His contention may be true to some extent but economic disparity alone is not the only reason for the failure to achieve racial unity to the desired level. What is needed is a genuine desire and whole-hearted commitment to by all to close this widening gap between and within the various ethnic communities in the country.

There are many other factors that need to be fulfilled before one feels proud to call himself a citizen of his country. The situation can be compared to a family where the children feel proud to be members of the family not just by the money and comforts provided by their parents but by the love and appreciation rendered to them. Money and wealth may be important but far more important is the need for appreciation of one’s love for the nation. In the US, descendants of once an enslaved race now proudly proclaim themselves Americans and they excel in almost every field like the descendants of their masters.

While it may be important to eliminate the economic disparity among the different races it is equally important to rid of such disparity among all citizens regardless of race. It is utmost to ensure that such measures to eliminate this disparity among the races are not abused by those in power otherwise it would result in one group becoming overtly favored over the others. They should not be used as excuses for encouraging corruption and abuse of power resulting in a small segment of the elite amassing wealth at the expense of the vast majority of the people who continue to suffer in poverty and hardship.

Eradication of poverty should be a top priority of the government and it should deploy all the resources at its disposal to ensure its endeavors succeed. Poverty is color blind as it transcends all racial divide, so should be all attempts in its eradication.

The government has embarked on many development projects since independence to eradicate poverty among its people by its policies to restructure society so that no one particular community will be identified with poverty and backwardness. There is no doubt the target groups have benefited tremendously by such measures. However due to overzealous implementation of these projects unfortunately certain other groups have been neglected resulting in being left out of the mainstream of the rapid socio-economic development thereby giving rise to much unhappiness and frustration among them.

It is important for the government to realize its shortcomings and address this issue of poverty among its entire people for lasting peace and harmony in our multiracial nation. Race based policies initiated 50 years ago may not be relevant anymore due to the rapid advances taking place in the country in a highly competitive global world. It is timely to review the policies of the past and make amends to improve their effectives in a new social-economic environment.

There is no reason for any group to suffer in poverty particularly in our country that is endowed with abundant God-given natural resources. All that is needed is a fairer, prudent and more accountable management of the economy of the country which the government has pledged to undertake.

Aren't we all racist?

Job seekers may have read lines such as the following:

1) Chinese female preferred

2) Chinese preferred

3) Indian Christians preferred

4) Malays preferred

5) Bumis only

Whatever the race, aren’t we all racist? So, let’s not drum up the mantra that only certain races are always the victims.

National Fatwa Council to make a ruling on yoga

Nouf Mohammed Al Marwaai - Owner,one of the Yoga centres in Saudi Arabia

Some of the activities:-

Opened a first yoga Studio in Saudi arabia for yoga training and workshops, Jeddah- July 2006
- Conduct regular yoga classes in Albedaya Center for Breast Feeding consultations and holistic health- since 2007
- Yoga workshops, Mecca- since 2006
- One Day yoga camp for Alhamaem Almakeya Association- 2007
- Yoga and health benefits lecture for new Jeddah clinic hospital june 2008.
- Held regular prenatal yoga classes in Albedaya center for breast feeding consultations and holistic health during 2007.
- Holding regular yoga courses and workshops since 2006 up to now.
- Started the first yoga school in Saudi Arabia october 2008.

Even his majesty the King has recognized yoga and there are many more centres in the Mid-East providing such services. I wonder whats going to happen next in Malaysia??

Graphic images on cigarette packs
Singapore already have this for sometimes dy.

Found what Malaysia doing is just follow the people. No creative at all.

Others country already drop their fuel price. Why we not following for this??

Singapore bans Julie biscuits

t is shocking to read in Singapore's NST this morning that our Julie biscuits was found to contain excessive Melamine and subsequently banned from sales in the country.

By now I'm confident Malaysia's national food authorities should by now been duely notified and I hope proper investigation and action to suspend further manufacturing by this company is in place.

In the best interest of all fellow Malaysians who are likely regular consumers of this brand, I also hope that our rightful authorities will publish findings with full facts.

As a regular consumer, if it is true that this manufacturer is guilty of using Melamine above permitted levels, then our authority must take every legal avenue to penalized the perpetrators. The Melamine issue is no longer a new topic and big manufacturers cannot always hide behind a veil of deceit claiming they are ignorant or that they are also victims using by-products purchased from 3rd-parties. All large food companies like Julie's should have by now taken necessary precaution to double check and certify that their by-products are not contaminated, as they should know the source of their purchase.

It simply leaves a huge question on the part of the company's integrity and social responsibility to continue using this substance until caught by AVA of Singapore.

I hope our government will take the sternest action against this manufacturer, as it cannot be taken lightly for a MNC to betray the trust of consumers who were the reason of their success.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

30% Bumi Equity through NEP

TDM insists that the target of 30% Bumi equity in public listed companies must be maintained:

"He said it is not the right time to adjust the country’s overall economic policies because the target to help bumiputra Malays reach 30% ownership of the country’s wealth has not been reached."

Firstly, the fundamentals behind the objective to help Malaysia achieve 30% ownership is flawed. This is because the methodology and process to achieve the objective aims to GIVE the Bumis 30%, rather than implementing programs that will help the Bumis EARN this 30%. It even comes across as if public-listed companies are forced to give 30% equity to Bumis, or else...

Secondly, as the economy grows, and more companies are listed, this 30% will always be an illusive MOVING target. Which means it may never be achieved.

Thirdly and sadly, if TDM insists that 30% target still not achieved after so many measures imposed over so many years, then it is obviouus that the NEP is not effective. And continuing on this lost cause ad policy will simply burden both Rakyat and Govt. The sad truth implied by TDM here is that Bumis still cannot stand on their own two feet after so many years and so much assistance from the government. I, however, disagree, and believe that there are many very capable Bumis out there running some very successful companies and businesses.

What is needed is to put in programs that will teach the Bumis how to fish, rather than giving them fish.

Petrol price reduce lower than RM1.92?

I just don't understand the maths from the news above.

To quote certain parts of the article:

Ahmad Sarpur, a dealer in Johor, said dealers could lose between RM13,000 and RM25,000 each time petrol is reduced by 15 sen per litre.

“This is because there is a minimum order quantity of 21,000 litres that we must pay for immediately. There is no credit,” he said.

“If the petrol is delivered in the morning and the price is reduced at night, we have to sell petrol 15 sen cheaper than what we had paid for it.”

Shahrir said the Govern­ment had been fair to the dealers saying: “We have not reduced their margin of 12 sen per litre after it was increased in June and we will try as much as we can to keep upcoming price reductions to 15 sen at a time.”

Now, let's do the maths according to the article.

If the margin is 12 cent, and the government lower the price by 15 cent, the petrol dealers lose 3 cent per litre. If minimum order is 21,000 litres, this translate to a lost of 21,000 x 3 cent = RM 630, less than a RM 1000 as opposed to the blown up figure of RM13,000 to RM25,000. To lose RM10,000, one particular dealer will need to order 333,333 litres. In a time when the petrol price is erratic, which trader in his right mind will order that much amount of litres?

If Shahrir said the petrol price can never go below $1.92, what happens when the crude oil per barrel is less than USD 40?? Its sad that now that the economy is going downhill and moving towards global recession, the government is still thinking of squeezing from the rakyat. The rakyat paid the taxes, and still need to pay more than the world crude price, again who should be subsidizing who?

By the way, the petrol was raised to RM2.70 when the crude price hit $147 for a few days. Now that the crude oil has fallen more than 50% below USD 70 for more than a week, exactly how much should the rakyat pay per litre? I have no problems solving engineering maths, but somehow I could not crack this calculation. Can anyone do the maths for me? At night, we have to deal with thiefs, now we need to deal with daylight robbery, and this comes from none other than our beloved government! Is that's a Malaysian life should be?


by DPM "Liberalisation of the NEP will only be implemented when the bumiputras feel more confident and competent."

When will it ever be the right time?

To MCA, this topic is top on your agenda. You were brazened with your words. Now where is the action? Wait another 51 years? Let me assure you, this time the cows won't come home!

Stick to Bahasa, Penang told

This is purely a very lame excuse given by a person so called a “minister” and it sounds like he is doing it for the sake of his political mileage. Guan Eng shall proceed with his idea as he is the head of the state and the minister shall stop giving stupid remarks such as this one Road signs in various lan­guages have no benefit, so stick to Bahasa Malaysia only, said the Unity, Culture, Arts and Heritage Ministry” .

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mukhriz Mahathir does not want to debate

Mukhriz gave two reasons: (1) party elections are internal matters (2) Opposition will spin something out of the debate. What he may have failed to realise is that he could very well become Prime Minister of Malaysia one day. So, why doesn't he start by showing to all Malaysians who he really is and what he really stands for. Malaysians may already have become too tired with the politics of anti-Social Contract keris-waving UMNO Youth leaders in our midst. And to say that the Opposition will spin a story, that's so not matured. Of course, everyone will have something to say after a debate.

Come on Mukhriz Mahathir, show the steel in your spine?

5 Months Countdown for Pak Lah

For the past 5 years many people just can’t recall what Pak Lah have really contribute or done as a Malaysia PM that is worth remembering. Well some of you might have different view and arguments that he is a gentleman in handling serious national matters and we might overlook some of the internal changes that Pak Lah had made all this while. All the past Malaysia's PM we have recognize them as a Father of "this and that" as for Pak Lah i heard some media is reporting him as a Father of Revolution (correct me if I’m wrong). I must admit Pak Lah do take a bold step in Revolutionize 3 major so called "headache" in Malaysia: The Police Force, Juridical System and the ACA. Come to think of it can Mr Pak Lah really pull it off?? 5 Years Pak Lah have been a gentlemen in his own cabinet (maybe got bullied and push around) and now Pak Lah is trying to accomplish the impossible in 5 months!

Will this be another Mission Impossible 3 (Pak Lah succeeds) or Just another Hoax in Ocean 13 (trying to deceive), or Mybe Pak Lah is more like a Dark Knight (fighting a lonely battle)

As for the future PM Mr. N.....well we just have to wait and see. Hopefully he won’t "Sign Up" for another Space Tourist Package at any MATA Fair.

Friday, October 24, 2008

World Oil Price is down again

updated 24 oct 2008

The oil price is down again.

it is about 63.77 per barrel juz now i saw

check urselves at this website:

why are we paying more for second time to the goverment.

we are subsidizing the governmant pocket already last month.

now again?

How come Tun Dr Mahathir can't speak?

I really was quite annoyed when the PM made a statement saying "Tun better don't speak at all".

Why can't he speak? If a former PM can't speak, then what about little commoners like us who've been shouting in CB all this while? What about the gentle reminder we have given the government in the recent general election? Like Tun Dr. Mahathir, many of us are not UMNO members too. I am not a member of UMNO myself and truly not interested to be one, I may die terribly if I even think of being a member of any political party. Many of us, who are not UMNO members, gave our vote to opposition parties because we want to give a 'loud message' to the government. Won't they listen to us?

Dr. Mahathir might have been a very authoritarian PM and a dictator (if anyone may call him that), but surely, he's a way better PM than Pak Lah! That's why he can always speak.

And mind you, he's a Malaysian citizen too, no matter how much anyone might have hated him. If we try to shut his mouth, then we are trying to shut a citizen's mouth, just like CB is filtering our postings and that's not democratic, right?

All I am saying is that, everyone should be given the rights to speak their mind, regardless of whether we and the government want to give a damn to it or not. Don't stop him no matter how grumpy the old man can be, because if we stop him, we give the government a reason to stop us.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Mediocre and Senseless

Basically and finally PM has bowed to the internal pressures of the Mahathirs clique and severals others in the Umno.

This basically shown, the senseless bunch on of so-called VP's and delegates from UMNO has as leaders. Ultimately, these guys has confirmed to the norm mindsets, that they know nuts in economies, administration and public relations.

All they know is confrontational, narrow and egoistics style to run their systems of cronies.

The PM, may not be best we have, but at least he is far better than the so-called successor. In which the successor has been successfully being very much tainted with conspiracy and scandalous incidents.

At least, the current PM never had such issues.

The successor, is also remembered for mentioning people's blood will soak in his keris. More or less tells us, he is not truly multi-racial mindset. In fact during Ahmad Ismail speeches, he did not reprimand him on the spot. Instead after all the hulabaloo then, he apologizes on behalf half heartedly.

Secondly, along his tenure in administration, he was never known to be great statemens with good international relationship to the West. Maybe to Russian and Mongolia in defence contracts discussion only.

A PM needs to be good architect of foreign policies in order to secure international confirmance in economies or many thing else.

Maybe you call me a hypocrite, be in my 2 cents, I could not imagine what more worse still Malaysia will be the kind of group leading our nation.

May all the gods, angels, deities and saints help Malaysia.

Action to be taken against Hindraf

Breaking news: Action to be taken against Hindraf.

The plot thickens now!!! Read on, friends.

“……….. the Government will take action against the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) under the Societies Act 1966 for causing a disturbance during the Hari Raya function……”

”When it comes to the law, there must be no delay. Whatever action taken has to follow procedure and legal channels. What is clear in this matter is that whoever breaks the law must face action”

“Action will be taken. We have many alternatives. Under the Act, whether the organisation is legal or not, it is still an organisation. If it is not legal, action will be taken based on the provisions for an illegal organisation, unless if it is legal then action will be taken under the proper provisions

Please read those paragraphs carefully, dear citizens. Let us not look at it from a racial point of view. Let us read the lines again from a humanistic point of view, and now, let us ask ourselves:

What law was broken?, and how do we define “causing a disturbance”?

If the Act prescribes for a specific course of action to be taken, the respected Senator would have had no second thoughts of announcing the definitive action to be taken when asked. Why were there no questions or concerns raised on the legality of the Hindraf since the beginning?

Can we take that to mean the administration is thoughtless?

Can I say that was the last straw that broke the camel's back??

world OIL Price is Down Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The oil price is down again.

it is about 88 per barrel juz now i saw

check urselves at this website:

why are we paying more for second time to the goverment.

we are subsidizing the governmant pocket already last month.

now again?

10 things UMNO must do!

For Umno to remain relevant and appeal to the masses, it has to evolve to suit the expectations of a fast-changing Malaysian society.

1. Be a true champion of Malays - No lah, tells Malaysians lah...

2. Put a full stop to money politics. - Can't do that, too many out there!!

3. Renew the fight against corruption - Start digging the accounts of MPs and Aduns over the last 20 years

4. Put serious checks against patronage and its abuse - Need to check the processes involved in purchasing the submarines

5. Set benchmarks for all contracts and procurements.- You mean to say that we have not learned anything about awarding contracts and lean procurement?? After 51 years??

6. Be less racial. - Forget it, as long as we exist, we will be racist to the teeth.

7. Be more tolerant in terms of religion - Yes, we will break more places of worship that belongs to the non-malays and offer them land near a septic tanks to rebuild new ones.

8.Cut the emotive content in language issues - Can't do that,because UMNOputras will not support me if i'm not emotional and provacative.

9.Become more accommodative rather than confrontational. - Chinese go back to China,etc etc etc....

10. Be a true champion of Malaysians - Cannot do that, the moment we get the biggest majority, we will divide and rule again for the next 49 years via racial card policies so that UMNOputras can start earning.

Our local universities gone to the dogs !!!!

What has the country's public universities done to our tax payers' money?

In 2006 when UKM was ranked 185, UM at No 192. UM in 2004 was ranked 89th. One year later, in 2005 it sank to 169. In 2007, it was not even on the list.

Universiti Sains Malaysia, which was ranked 111th in 2005, crashed out of the list in subsequent years.

Look at our region , Australia has 7, Japan 4 Hong Kong 3, Singapore 2, China 2, South Korea 2 and even Thailand has 1 in the list. To rub salt to the stupidity of our system UM refuses to recognise degrees from Beijing University, ranked 50 and Tsing Hua University ranked 56 in the Top 200 World University Rankings,.

We spend lots of money on our universities, it is time they get their house in order. Why not start with getting some accreditations such as AACSB or EQUIS, for some of its discipline..

Thursday, October 2, 2008

HINDRAF a hindrance

The commotion caused by the Hindraf group during a Hari Raya celebration at PWTC on 1st of October was an insulting event to all Muslims in the country. I was there, and I'm telling you, I felt disgusted at the length they go to in order to put forward their grievances.

Come on, the Muslims have been fasting during Ramadhan… that means they have not been enjoying any food or water for a month. They’re tired and they want to celebrate the end of their fasting month, okay?!

But no… it’s the first day of Aidilfitri and these Hindraf supporters came to the open house at PWTC on the pretext of being guests of the ministers’ invitation and went bashing everyone at the party with their politically motivated sentiment out in the open.

It was a rude, malicious, shocking and sneaky attack on the other guests who came to celebrate the joyous occasion with others from multiracial background. It was like having angry PETA protestors for Christmas dinner at the Times Square.

These Hindraf group showed no respect to others by barging into a happy festival to disrupt peace and making everyone unhappy in the end. Not only did they take the food and beverage prepared by the caterers in the hall, they also took advantage of other people’s kindness and hospitality. History has never seen such worse guests.

On top of that, the group resorted to dirty tricks by using children in their campaign. This is not the first time children were used in their plots. For the sake of their political motives, the Hindraf members are willing to destroy their children’s innocence. What we’re seeing is open child abuse by the Hindraf members.

If those fathers really love their children, they wouldn’t have commit acts that threaten the security of the nation that result to their detention and separation from family members. If those fathers really love their children, they wouldn’t have allowed their children to be involved in their fight. If those fathers love their children, they wouldn’t have sacrificed their children to attain their political leaders’ goals. Why should the children be made responsible for their fathers’ crimes? The Hindraf members are killing the children with their love.

The Hindraf members demand that the ISA be abolished so that the political detainees can be freed. What then after the ISA is abolished - let the political detainees happily resume their campaign to break up the nation?

If the ISA is so wrong in humanity nowadays that it should be abolished, then they should consider abolishing their association too. Look at the commotion that these Hindraf members have done in the past, do they think that what they’re doing is according to humanity?

They protested at peaceful events, they caused a riot at a holy place like Batu Caves, they used children to cover up their campaign, they gave a bad image of Malaysia to tourists visiting the country, they tried to influence Malaysians to believe that there is such thing as race-based oppression in this multiracial country…

Look, Hindraf members - we can accept it if you are fighting for some temples being demolished by the municipal council or Indian children not getting fair treatment at schools. But the thing is, you are not fighting for the right cause and you fight dirty. Your association is turning into a political organization disguised under the name of Hinduism. You are deviating from your true sense of justice and humanity by creating ripples in the society that may cause further rifts among Malaysians. Your faith does not teach you to hate, it has for centuries taught you to love. Like Rama you should defeat forces that defy the power of love, not blindly destroying love itself.

Hindraf is heading to the same darkness as the Al-Arqam had gone to. Maybe it is time to abolish Hindraf before Hinduism in Malaysia is tarnished by more despicable acts of these irresponsible people who hide under the name of faith.

Can We Trust Our Online Banking?

A number of comments has been made on our online banking. Is it safe? I must stress that I have full confidence in our banking system. I has been using online banking for the past 6 years, no problem at all, only all the convenience I enjoy.

We must NOT:

1- reveal our ID and password to anyone / anytime

2-write down our ID and password anywhere

3-log in to the banking web site through an email sent to you (this email is fraud)

4- log in thru cybercafe / pusat internet

The recent scam link to item no 3 above. Remember, always log in online banking thru their proper web site and NOT thru an email sent to you.

George Soros, London, Mahathir, Abdullah and Anwar!!!

hi everyone,

hope you read this, page 13-15 (but especially page 15 last paragraph). No wonder PM Abdullah looks weak.

Zul Hassan Deserve The Sacking

It is totally unacceptable that Zul Hassan said "what is important is we did not ask for the women. He supplied them to us. If people sedekah (donate), don’t you want to accept it?” What type of answer he is giving?

He further blamed that he has been framed. He didn't blame himself for the entire episod. He didn't blame himself for his sexual desire. If he can control his sexual desire, how can people frame him?

To Zul Hassan, you deserve the sacking.

Syed Hamid Albar Slapping His Own Face

It has been five days since Teresa Kok parent house hit by molotov cocktail.

The police still did not detain Teresa Kok and their parents under ISA, so called to protect their safety.

Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar is slapping his own face since he has said they are protecting her when they detained her for 1 week under ISA.

Syed Hamid, when are you going to sign the detention order to prove your sincerity and intergrity???

Or Please think carefully before you make statement or you are just slapping your own face again.