Monday, March 31, 2008

Free Water from 1st of June?

Free water from June 1

The above article in today’s edition of the The STAR brings great news to Selangor consumers.

However, the second paragraph of the report:

Those whose supply is linked to bulk meters – including flat, apartment and condominium dwellers – will not enjoy the free water just yet

is of great concern.

It must be noted that currently, dwellers of flats, apartments and condominiums are already paying a much higher rate for their water supply as compared to the dwellers of landed property. Come June, there will be even greater differences between the dwellers of these stratified properties compared to landed.

The decision, he said, was to lessen the burden of the people, especially those in the lower income group. (quoting the MB)

The second point to note is that most of the lower income group in our communities live in high rise – flats and apartments. These are the group that should rightly benefit – but unfortunately, it will not be so for a while yet. There are over 500 such properties in Selangor alone with more coming up. Multiply each stratified property by 300 units with each unit having on average 4 people living there: we are talking about many, many rakyat who will miss out on this great gesture of the government.

However, this problem can easily be solved. This is an issue that the newly elected state government probably have overlooked or are still studying. Currently the stratified property dwellers are paying a much higher rate for their water consumption compared to landed property dwellers. (ie RM1.38 per cubic meter compared to 57sen). The previous government, under pressure from the consumers had decided that the stratified property dwellers should also pay 57 sen. However, it would mean that the current bulk meters would have to be converted to individual meters.

The catch was, the management of the stratified property had to apply to SYABAS for this conversion. And before the conversion can take place, all 100% of the owners of the stratified property had to agree to the conversion to individual meters.

Many management companies (which in most cases are the developers themselves) would not want to convert as some are charging the residents extra for the water consumption. And even in cases where the management has applied to SYABAS, it is almost impossible to get 100% of the residents to agree. Many owners of these units in stratified properties are investors who are not really bothered about these “minor” issues. Thus, the previous governments good intentions have infact been frustrated by bureaucracy – or perhaps this was their intent in the first place anyway.

I would therefore appeal to the current state government, to solve this problem. It should be legislated for the conversion of bulk meters to individual meters be mandatory upon SYABAS. Thus, SYABAS will have to convert all the bulk meters to individual meters for the existing properties and for the new properties it would be individual meters right from the start.

With the conversion being made mandatory than ALL THE RAKYAT would benefit equally irrespective of the kind of dwelling.

In the meantime, whilst this issue is being handled, I commend the MB and the state government for this bold move of giving free 20 cubic meters of water. I urge all consumers to appreciate this gesture and value it by not wasting water but using it properly and with respect.

This free water will be applied only to Selangor? Does it cover Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya? A response from SYABAS would be greatly appreciated.

Dr. M to Blame Too

I refer to the recent report in the Star, entitled, 'Zam: Dr M to blame, too'. I think this is not right. The article was written with regards to the matters that Dr. M had said leading to the election. It was alleged that this had also contributed to the less than favourable election results.

That may be true to a certain extent. For all things said, Dr. M is entitled to say what he thinks. It is easy to blame someone else for one's own failures.

However, I can't recall anybody in BN, be in Umno, MCA, MIC etc., that had really said to Dr. M, 'Thank you very much for leading us repeatedly to victory' during those earlier days when BN had a bigger share of the election constituencies. Only when things did not really work out well, it seems that the blame culture start to set in.

Bear in mind, he is no longer the PM. Let's be fair. There are things that Dr. M did that are not so good, and there are things that he did that are good. Not all are bad, and, neither is everything good. He is only human. Nobody is perfect.

On the whole, he has contributed immensely to the development and well-being of this nation, both directly or indirectly. He was an example to others and also to the leaders of other nations. Now, just because he is an old man who may have made mistakes in the past and has (allegedly) make mistakes in the present, we forget his past achievements and condemn him?

Let us ask the person or persons who blames Dr. M for contributing to the recent BN poor election, what has he done for the nation or BN for that matter? Famous US Kennedy era saying, "Ask not what your country (or party) can do for you. Ask what can you do for your country (or party)."

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Types of Driver in Malaysia

With my experience of driver on the road of Malaysia, i think you might be one of the group.

[1] Road Bullies
Usually, these are big size guys, not necessary thugs. They go for victims usually smaller size than them. Sometimes, they work in groups, ganging up on a victim. Drivers usually turn into road bullies when they do not get things done their way. Most of the time, the crimes they will commit is after the driving stops.

[2] Reckless Driver

This kind of driver will zig-zag at high speed, cutting into other vehicle's lanes without care. Don't expect any signal lights from them if they are turning left or right. Sometimes, these drivers tailgate another vehicle at an extremely close distance. These reckless drivers frequently cause accidents due to their dangerous driving. We wouldn't care so much if they crash into some lamp post or into some drains, but often, these hell-drivers causes accidents that claims innocent lives.

[3] Inconsiderate Driver

Drivers that are found in this category consist of two types :

[a] The "Rich" usually drives a big vehicle with white halogen lights which blinds oncoming vehicles, often nearly causing accidents. In fact, the white lights are so blinding that even the government and JPJ can't see these vehicles, thus taking no action against the usage of halogen lights.

[b] The "Slow" who usually drives on the fast lane at a slow speed. These drivers think they are not doing anything wrong since they are not speeding but in fact, they are just being selfishly inconsiderate. If the government wants to know why road-bullying is on the increase, it's because nothing is done about this kind of inconsiderate drivers.

[4] Inexperience Drivers

I'll probably be accused of stereotyping, but drivers in this category are mostly female and old drivers who are overly careful with their driving. These are usually those who have just got their P licence but who are still pretty inexperience when it comes to driving. Beware of sudden braking actions. These drivers can't help what they are doing so its up to the rest of us to anticipate their actions. Just like the slow drivers, these inexperience drivers also contributes to the rise in road-bullying cases.

So, before you accuse anyone of being one these drivers, ask yourself if you fit into any of these categories.

Alternative Government vs Barisan Government

Ever since the Alternative Govt came into the picture, I think the Barisan Govt has been more pressurised than ever. Now that a "clean" Govt is in place, the Barisan Govt knows that it can't simply do things its way and ignore the people.

[1] When the Penang State Govt announced it's Transparency policy, the Barisan Govt had to follow suit - otherwise it might look "corrupted" if it doesn't.
Score : Alternative Govt 1 Barisan Govt 0

[2] When the Selangor MB from the Alternative Govt announced that if the Water Contract is found to be unfavourable to the interest of the people, it should be reviewed. And guess who opposed this? - The representative of the Barisan Govt who insisted that all contracts made are valid and legal. Makes you wonder who Barisan is fighting for - for private companies or for the people. So, thumbs up to the Alternative Govt for fighting for the interest of the people.
Score : Alternative Govt 2 Barisan Govt 0

[3] The Penang State Govt has practiced what it preached, leadership by example. It is trying to save cost wherever it can. RM 600 k might not be much ( by not purchasing the Proton Perdanas ) but it goes to show that the Govt is putting up an effort to trim cost where necessary - unlike the Barisan Govt who previously is known is spend lavishly for mega projects and functions - money which went to big corporates own by certain individuals instead of to the people. So, I wonder what the Barisan Govt will trim as cost?
Score : Alternative Govt 3 Barisan Govt 0

So what is your choice of Government? Please wake up Malaysian! :)

Friday, March 28, 2008

Is time to pay your income tax

As norm our income tax due date for individual will be on 30th April and for company will be on 30th June. It is around 34 days to go for individual to report their income they earned during 2007 and for company will be around 94 days to go. Actually Malaysia already adopted online system which is e-Filing for the convenience of taxpayer. But many Malaysian still prefer the more complicated method by filing up forms at the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia throughout the country. Hope all Malaysian can try to do it online where it's much simpler and convenient.

For more info please visit:

PLEASE don't practice the usual way of all Malaysian - - always doing it LAST MINUTE!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Smart Tunnel

What is so smart about the SMART tunnel when it doesn't allow for water and traffic to flow at the same time?

Is SMART tunnel a flood prevention project or for easing traffic flow in KL? Government must make this clear to the frustrated people caught in daily traffic jams.

I think all the doubt on us will never solved as Government never tell us.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Malaysia Olympic Team

Our goal - No Medal = We've Failed

so far our Olympic medal
1992 - by Razif-Jalani Sidek (Badminton - doubles) = Silver
1996 - by Cheah Soon Kit-Yap Kim Hock (Badminton - doubles) = Silver
Rasid Sidek (Badminton - singles) = Bronze

up to date we had won 3 medals only in the Olympic Games and all thru Badminton Sports.

Hope our country can achieve better in the coming Olympic. So far 10 athletes have qualified. We hope that 10 more will make it from Badminton and 4 more from cycling to make it a total of 30 before May. At the last Athen Olympics we had 26 athletes featured in the games.

May Beijing Olympic can bring at least medal for our country!

Prime Minister Promise

"The result of the elections was a strong message that i have not moved fast enough in pushing promised to undertake. . . i thank the Malaysian people for this message." said PM

  • Curb rising prices and limit waste caused by subsidies.
  • Spread economic gains to the neediest.
  • Narrow income gaps between and within ethnic groups.

Hope these promises can be fulfilled.

Proton Revival

With the new launching of New Era Proton Saga BLM, will this turning point herald a new era for Proton?

Please comment!

Smart Tunnel

Good News. . . . smart tunnel is back in service @ 5pm today. Hope it can help to ease our daily traffic around klang valley.

for more info you can contact 1300-88-7188

What is SMART?

SMART is an acronym for Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel, a project under the Federal Government initiated to alleviate the flooding problem in the city centre of Kuala Lumpur. The project is implemented through a joint venture pact between MMC Corp Berhad and Gamuda Berhad with the Department of Irrigation And Drainage Malaysia and the Malaysian Highway Authority as the executing government agencies.

Studies had indicated that the critical stretch of Sungai Klang between Sg Klang /Sg Ampang confluence and Sg Gombak/ Sg Klang confluence to be flood prone areas and the fact that the river is further constrained by the Jalan Tun Perak Bridge (near Masjid Jamek) which is low, has resulted in the surrounding areas to experience flash floods.

The SMART system will be able to divert large volumes of flood water from entering this critical stretch via a holding pond, bypass tunnel and storage reservoir. This will reduce the flood water level at the Jalan Tun Perak Bridge, preventing spillover.

Other benefits of SMART
The Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel (SMART) project was incepted by the project proponent, namely MMC Corp Berhad-Gamuda Berhad Joint Venture, primarily to mitigate the recurring floods in the city of Kuala Lumpur, the financial, business and commercial hub of Malaysia. However, at the design stage of SMART, the dual purpose concept was born from the ingenuity of the project proponents and the motorway tunnel was integrated into the system to relieve traffic congestion at the main Southern Gateway to the city centre.

The Motorway to Ease Congestion

The motorway tunnel will provide an alternative route for motorists from the Southern Gateway, i.e. KL-Seremban Highway, Federal Highway, Besraya and East-West Link entering and exiting the city centre. This will reduce traffic congestion at the Southern Gateway leading to the city centre. The travel time will be reduced significantly. For example from the Jalan Istana Interchange-Kampung Pandan the expected travel time is a mere four minutes compared to ten to fifteen minutes using the existing roads.

Smart Tunnel Route

For More Info:

Selangor Exco Line Up

Land Development, Finance, Economic Planning Council, Youth and Sports

Investment, Industry and Commerce

Islamic Affairs, Malay Culture, Infrastructure and Public Amenities

Modern Agriculture Methods, Natural Resources and Entrepreneurship Development

Welfare, Women's Affairs, Science, Technology and Innovation

Health, Plantation Workers, Poverty and Caring Government

Education, Higher Education and Human Development

Housing, Building Structure Administration and Squatters

Local Government, Study and Research

Tourism, Consumer Affairs and Environment

New Village Development and Solution for Unlicensed Factories

(4 women in exco)

Hope this will bring a better future Selangor.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

If you being threatened at ATM in Malaysia

What to do?

if you are forced to withdrawal money from ATM, you can ask for help secretly by type in a backward pin number.

for example your pin is 123456
so you should type in 654321

the ATM machine will come out with the money as usual but at the other side, bank will inform the Police to your side immediately.

this is shown in TV recently and this method not being used by most of us cause not many people know the existence of this method.


Release of Malaysia's Hindraf leaders 'just rumours

People should disregard rumours circulated via SMS that the five Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) leaders detained under Malaysia's Internal Security Act (ISA) would be released, wife of one of the detainees said.
Hindraf lawyer A. Sivanesan, who is also Sungkai assemblyman, said the rumour was 'pure nonsense', adding: 'I'm unaware of any such arrangement.'

It seems that no realease for the Hindraf leaders. . . . keep updated for this news!

Monday, March 24, 2008

PM: Appointing anyone else is against Constitution

The appointment of anyone but Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh as Terengganu Mentri Besar is unconstitutional, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. “Therefore, appointing anyone else is not right constitutionally,” he said.

Palace drama: Kijal assemblyman Datuk Ahmad Said (left) receiving his letter of appointment as Terengganu Mentri Besar from the head of the Regency Advisory Council Raja Tengku Sri Panglima Raja Tengku Baderulzaman.

Abdullah was commenting on the Mentri Besar saga in which Kijal assemblyman Datuk Ahmad Said received his letter of appointment as the new Mentri Besar from Regency Advisory Council (MPPR) chief Tengku Sri Panglima Raja Tengku Baderulzaman at a closed-door ceremony at Istana Tetamu in Kuala Terengganu at 8.20am yesterday.

“It is very good news, very positive. What is good for the people is very good for me,” he told reporters outside the Prime Minister’s official residence, Seri Perdana. He said it was the decision of the party that won the majority in the state assembly to select the Mentri Besar and the Ruler had to abide by it according to the Constitution.

“The palace has to accept Barisan Nasional's decision as it is in accordance with our constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democratic system,” he said.

At the end, Kijal assemblyman Datuk Ahmad Said appointed as the new MB of Terengganu.

SMART tunnel closed until further notice

The SMART Tunnel has been closed since 6pm Saturday for flood-mitigation works because of heavy rains, and its management is unsure when it will be re-opened.

Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel Sdn Bhd experts will meet Monday to determine when the tunnel can be reopened.

The company is a joint venture between Gamuda Bhd and Malaysian Mining Corporation Bhd.

Call 1300-88-7188 for further information.

Please wait for the latest news of the Tunnel.

Terengganu Sultan's choice of MB stripped of Umno membership

Kijal assemblyman Datuk Ahmad Said, who was supposed to have been sworn in as Terengganu Mentri Besar Sunday, has been stripped of his Umno membership for disobeying the party's leadership, a state Umno official confirmed Sunday morning.

The office of the Sultan of Terengganu announced Saturday that Ahmad Said would be the new Mentri Besar of Terengganu instead of Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh, ending 14 days of uncertainty.

Who will the new MB for Terengganu? wait and see the latest news!

Show of support: Terengganu Umno liaison secretary Datuk Rosol Wahid (seated, third from right) with some of the 21 Barisan Nasional state assemblymen at a press conference to register their support for Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh to be retained as Mentri Besar at Seri Iman, Kuala Terengganu, Saturday. They have also threatened to boycott the swearing-in ceremony if Idris was not reappointed.