Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Malaysia Olympic Team

Our goal - No Medal = We've Failed

so far our Olympic medal
1992 - by Razif-Jalani Sidek (Badminton - doubles) = Silver
1996 - by Cheah Soon Kit-Yap Kim Hock (Badminton - doubles) = Silver
Rasid Sidek (Badminton - singles) = Bronze

up to date we had won 3 medals only in the Olympic Games and all thru Badminton Sports.

Hope our country can achieve better in the coming Olympic. So far 10 athletes have qualified. We hope that 10 more will make it from Badminton and 4 more from cycling to make it a total of 30 before May. At the last Athen Olympics we had 26 athletes featured in the games.

May Beijing Olympic can bring at least medal for our country!

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