Syarikat Prasarana Negara Berhad chief executive officer Shaipudin Shah Harun said today that the reason for the 11-month wait was because the company needed to complete assembly of the trains, upgrade the power capability of the line, as well as do safety testing.
Shaipudin said the order for the trains - which are being manufactured by Canadian conglomerate Bombardier - had been made two years ago in 2006.
The four-car trains will increase the capacity of the Kelana Jaya line from 160,000 passengers to 350,000 passengers daily.
Asked about the lengthy period for the acquisition, Shaipudin said that it was the norm of the industry.
Shaipudin said the trains were custom made and take up to a year to build.
”It is the nature of the industry,” he said.
Prasarana took over operations of both the Ampang and Kelana Jaya line in January 2005.
When asked why Prasarana had waited until the LRT had became congested before ordering the trains, Shaipudin said since the company only took over the operations in 2005, it could not be held accountable for what happened before that takeover.
Sept 2009 - Malaysian please be patient . . . . .
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